An introduction to biological network analysis


This workshop will focus on performing gene-set enrichment analysis of transcriptomic data and visualising the results of enrichment analysis. We will perform single-sample gene-set enrichment using methods in the singscore package to explore molecular phenotypes in individual samples. Following this, we will perform gene-set enrichment analysis using tools from the limma and edgeR packages. Finally, we will demonstrate a graph-based approach to visualise, summarise and interpret resutls of gene-set enrichment analysis. The workshop will be organised into two broad sections: 1) Molecular phenotyping of individual samples, and 2) Identifying and visualising higher-order phenotypes

Aug 27, 2021 12:00 AM
WEHI Bioinformatics Masterclass 2021
Online (South-east Asia region)
Dharmesh D Bhuva
Dharmesh D Bhuva
Senior post-doctoral researcher at SAiGENCI

My research interests include cancer systems biology, spatial statistics and computational biology.